Monday, November 24, 2008

Take Drugs

A few days ago I learned that nothing was true
So I plunged down the life tube looking in search of…

...Something sacred and distinct that I could use,
Take with me to before when I was scared unaware of…

The daily grind-it-out-till-you-have-to-carry-your-face
The eternal all-the-days-of-your-tiny-time-here-race

Forty-fifty-sixty-all hours devoted to only me,
The bringer of the only-time-you-can-smile money

So I just wanted to feel something dead -
Plunge powder up my nose -
Make my eyeballs roll to the back of me head:

There was the white that took with it my sight
Changed me into a sheep just like all of us

There was the green that made it seem
Like I was doing it alllll right and just fitting in

There was the blue that made the truth seep
To the top of my throat burst from mine into just their mouths

There was the drinking that made me stop thinking
About anything that had to do with just being alone

I will (assumedly) rise tomorrow only to feel my slugged mind fall
Into the carved out niche languidly laying in the bowels

A huge smile: The place I need to be
Right now make lots of money!!

(L)(D)ying in a shower, blood running out the nose
Knowing the only ailment I ever had is just a consciousssss


And you can bet I got away

not for long

but it was somethin'

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