Thursday, December 6, 2012

RE: Christmastime Comp

So, if you check this blog, and you're going to be in Johnstown around Christmas, you've likely been invited to a party on the 22nd of December.  If this is the case, you are likely attending that party.  The initial post about doing a comp wasn't mine, but I like that idea and want to share a unique, creative, and realistic way to make it achieve compilationism. So, here's how I think we should do the comp...

We're gonna set up a room at the party for recording. Come ready to record one song, story, or poem of your choosing.  It can be new or old, yours or someone else's, a Christmas song or not.  Whatever you want.  (Do know, though, that if it's a traditional Christmas song, I'll be unchecking that shit on my iTunes, ha!) At some point during the party, go play it in the recording room.  No overdubs (the technology just isn't there yet), so collaborate with others if your piece needs more than you can do live. At the end of the night, we should have enough songs for a compilation to put on the site. Sound good?

If you're not attending the party and want to have a song on the comp, or if you already have something recorded for it, or you've worked sooooo hard this year you couldn't possibly express yourself artistically at a party, ha, send your recording to and we'll put it with the songs recorded on the 22nd.  You got 17 days from when this post was posted to get your shit together, which I know you can do.  I love you and want you to continue to be the wonderful artist you are, and I can't wait to see you and hear you on the 22nd.  Spread the word and the love!!