Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Do you like making things with your hands? Do you like glitter? Do you like boxes?

If you answered "yes!" to at least one of these questions please consider taking "The Hoarder's Challenge."

What it is all about: Taking some of my unused supplies and making something.
What you will receive: a box of random craft supplies, ephemera and tools from my stash.
What you do with it: is up to you, as long as you follow these guidelines.

1) You can make multiple projects, however - you must use all items in box.
2) If your box includes a book for collage purposes, you do not need to use every page - but you must use at least parts of the book.
3) You may use your own additional items/supplies/tools in order to complete the challenge.
4) You have 3 months from the day you accept a "Hoarder" box to finish.
5) You must document (and temporarily return to me) the end results.
6) Finally, just have fun crafting and creating!

If you would like to participate you can email me at Laci_Hess@yahoo.com or we can arrange to meet if you live in the Johnstown area.

The project will hopefully end in some form of exhibition online or otherwise, but I need help to make it happen. Even if you don't consider yourself the least bit crafty, you should still consider doing this.

Thanks, Laci

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

show on Friday

There's another show at J.A.G.G.R.S, that little bar in Vinco, this Friday. It starts at 10 pm, and Bikini Test Go Ahead and the Hit and Miss Engines are playing.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Anne Frank

The emptiness surrounds me comfortably like one of my dad's old sweatshirts. It always smelled like the attic old and dusty and safe. The attic was the one place where I could go to be myself. I would sit there among the junk, the past Christmas presents, outgrown clothes, and all the books I read three times.I would sit, sweat and imagine. I would imagine how much better I would be than all the grownups I saw around me. I would do it different just the way my neighbor spoke about in her high school commencement speech. The world was mine for the taking, after all the children are our future right?(guess you were too wrapped up in the present to remember that cute little slogan.)I had so many ideas that were stewing underneath the fort I made out of a couple of boxes and my dad's old courdoruy jackets. Someday I would fill that jacket and those shoes that I was told were always too big for me. I would look through my broken attic window and I would watch the kids playing while I pondered where I would be in 10 years. Well that was 4 years ago.That was before I realized it's not worth it too ponder the future not when you two payments late on your car note and your cable is getting cut off. What if we became everything our parents wanted us to be. What if I AM everything my parents wanted me to be. I don't know and I know it doesn't help to ask questions that have no answers but I can't help it. I am now in another fort but the boxes and jackets have been replaced with bricks and all the junk I've collected over the years. My own personal attic except it lacks character and it doesn't feel safe. Its not safe because its way too real and life has answered most of the questions I've asked. Well, maybe not answered but stopped me from looking.I look outside my window and I see myself doing all the same things they are and I fucking hate my neighbor and her lies.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011