Jacob, your book is really great/ the reception you had was a great time, people getting together and eating and looking at their lives in a book/ feeling it all right there/ one year, right there/ now TDC is dead and we have to do it ourselves/ what's next, buddy?/ i hope you tell me tomorrow
the show that happened afterward was great, too/ so many bands and acts in one room and all singing with each other/ vibe was killer and the hits kept coming/ beagle club great to see another time like that/ love the bookend feel with hit or miss engines closing/ so intense that band is/ tech ep is real and big/ they are writing and recording their EP right now, actually/ soon that will be on the site, another instance of it all working/ it is working, beautifully/ we, acting as higher fives, played fun and drank beer while we played, because doing that together while we play is part of the fun, matt singing the songs, and ben and myself looking at each other and smiling and then matt will come over to me and laugh and it feels good/ felt good that night, too/ sunflower spec, man, spec'd up/ patrons and fellow collaborators alike looking around and laughing and wow'n/ and cian and his band are always on point/ jacks john and the lot sounding howling through the bar, the man can tingle the keys/ and then there was MFH and the african whippp/ have i seen that man before screaming bout the yochhh/ i don't think so and that is something/ that is something
so that was really fun and now there is the new emmett and mary EP up and the aloha man helped make those songs sound so crisp/ it ushers in the warm weather and the creative juice to flow once again after a winter of shame and hiding/ roll series rolling along with bears and sun and us doing what we are doing/ bikini test finally testin' the waters, the warm island waters transposed into our orange waters/ olivia churning out the hits/ what does this mean to you and what does this mean to her/ it's all making sense/ 1929 giving jtown some juicy edge/ of course it's real/ some poems and stories! great to see/ we never stop with them/ hey dutch when's your book coming out?/ hey tim when are you putting your EP up here?/ those guys are my roommates (jacob now is, too) and every day at some point we are shut up in our holes and we are making things/ i hope that's how it is everywhere, now/ hey matt, when's the loop record coming out?/ when're higher fives recording our record?, let's practice this week/ any other stuff happenin'?/ emily emmy? laura mac? kelly l? what y'all doin'? laci, new painting? bell's probably sitting on some new books, dan anything coming down the pipe? mike mil working on the stories you told me you wanted to do?/ matt, what about that play?/ hope to see it all soon/ i'm doing some stuff, too, slowly, but i'll finish this time, i promise/ so that dangerous ponies show is this week and a lot of us will be on display, so that is next, then another show should happen?/ 709 will be habitable again, so let's use the shit out of that echo chamber/ i miss you ian, john, pat harmony, those who have gone before us/ it's spring, now, today, actually but/ summer's comin', and we're comin'